What type of curly perm do you have?

My Tribute to the King of the Curl

Friday, April 17, 2009


Here are the pics from my recent trip to the salon. I received a much-needed trim as well as a protein treatment. Since I've experienced a huge loss of curls due to my not listening to Natalie & washing my hair before my week was up, we decided to do a loose flat twist-out.

Natalie said that she doesn't believe in re-rodding due to overprocessing & that we'll correct my curls (or lack thereof) when it's time to retouch.

The trim has definitely helped with the tangles. It appears that the shedding I was experiencing has lessened as well.

These aren't the best pics. Hubby was watching t.v. & didn't feel like taking many pics. Sorry...

No one has submitted any questions for Design Essentials. I plan to e-mail them my questions Sunday night so you still have a few days.

This is off topic but I wanted to share what's going on in my life. I began training for a 13K marathon last Saturday. WHY??? I really need to lose some weight/inches as well as get in shape. I ran Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday & did an hour on the eliptical today. I've been watching what I eat but no extreme dieting. So far I've lost 7 pounds. I'm sooooo excited! Anyone out there want to shed some pounds? RUN!

Take care divas. Be safe & HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!