What type of curly perm do you have?

My Tribute to the King of the Curl

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So...Natalie has been following the blog & when she read what I've been doing to my hair, she was none too happy to say the least. See, I have serious ADD & a bad case of the heavy hands when it comes to product. I just couldn't leave well enough alone & follow the directions of my stylist & divas, "Natalie don't play that!"

So, she was kind enough (between blessing outs) to inform me that the conditioner from yesterday's co-wash was too heavy for my hair so soon & thus the loss of curls. I didn't have the courage to ask if there's anything I could do to revive them. I decided to let the not knowing be my punishment. Hopefully she'll read this one, too & feel sorry for me. Hint, hint!

Well my bad hair behavior can be someone's gain. I have some (once used) CFC Snap Back as well as some CFC Gold Activator free to the first Curl Diva that is willing to answer the questions from today's feature post & submit pictures to me at ckcnakia@gmail.com - DO YOU STILL LOVE ME, NATALIE?