Is HoneyA the only one willing to share her story? Please say it ain't so...
On another note, I washed my hair for the 1st time today with DE Moisture Retention Poo & then I conditioned w/the DE Super Moisturizing Conditioner. I left it on for about 5 mins with a plastic cap & rinsed. When I got out of the shower I put some of the lotion moisturizer in & a few squirts of the spray. Sorry peeps, I forget the names. Afterwards I scrunched & simply allowed my hair to airdry. It turned out okay considering all of my recent hair drama. Indeed, LESS IS MORE!!!
However, I have this one issue. When I wake up in the morning my curls are completely gone & just spritzing w/the Wave By Design moisturizer doesn't revive the curls. The only way to revive them is to spritz my hair with water.
I'll have to work up the nerve to call Natalie & ask her is spritzing w/water daily a bad thing.
What do you ladies think? Is anyone else waking up with curl-less hair?
Also I'm thinking that I will go with the smaller rods all over next time. The areas where we rolled with the larger rods are the most curl-less.
Overall I'm still enjoying my hair. Still getting compliments & disbelief that this is a curly perm. I'm definitely NOT regretting my decision.
Well, I know I said I was going to limit my pics but I did get some requests to continue so here's some pics of what my hair looks like at this very moment. Sorry I had to photograph myself. Hubby is up but the Lakers game is on...