I’m so excited to be featuring my very first Curl Diva. HoneyA is a fellow member of LHCF & was very helpful & informative as I made my decision to get a curly perm. In the words of HoneyA…
1. How long have you had your curly perm?
For about 5 years now
2. What's your hair background - was this your first chemical experience?
No, I've been relaxed, transitioned to natural, had a curly perm, relaxed, transitioned to natural, texturized, then transitioned to natural, now I've got a curly perm again and this is what I prefer other than being natural because of the versatility it offers. I can wear it wavy, straight or play with the moisture level for a texlaxed or testurised look.
3. What type of curly perm do you have & what's your routine?
Wave by Design. I wash 1x every week or two with CON moisturising detangling shampoo. Depends on how my hair feels. I DC with heat at every wash with one of my favourite DCs. I use Elasta QP DPR-11, Lustrasilk shea butter with mango, or Hollywood Beauty Olive Cholesterol. It changes but as long as it is moisturising. I also use protein when needed. I moisturise most days with S-Curl, Wave Nouveau or Wave by Design products and seal with castor oil. I also pre-poo with olive oil and that really helps with the detangling process.
4. What's your favorite style?
Either open or in an updo.
5. Since ladies are always complaining about dryness & shedding, how do you deal with these issues?
I don't have issues with dryness because I moisturise quite well. I've recently had a problem with shedding and I did a tea rinse and that helped tremendously. I've also been taking garlic pills and iron pills.
6. Have you noticed any difference in your growth/retention rate?
I only noticed a difference after joining LHCF two years when I started taking care of my hair properly. Now I retain more length. My growth ranges between 1/2" and 3/4" per month.
7. What advice would you give to potential/new curly perm wearers?
Learn your hair and keep things as simple as possible. Having a perm is easy if you don't do too much. The basics are really all you need. Moisturise really well after washing and before your hair dries. Soft-n-Free lotion is good for putting moisture back in after washing. Don't forget the protein!
8. Hair type and Length
4a/ currently past bottom of BSL (pics are from December 2008 and I don't have any recent ones)

Yesterday I was truly feeling down about my hair so I decided to experiment a little. I went to the BSS and purchased some CFC Gold Activator as well as some CFC Snap Back. When I got home I did some flat twists to the back, moisturizing each section with the activator. Then I pinned the twists up in the back & saran wrapped my hair for an overnight moisture boost. Well I just took the twists down & had to get some quick pics before my hubby left for work. I haven’t really styled it but so far me likey. This curl seems to be very versatile!