What type of curly perm do you have?

My Tribute to the King of the Curl

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Split Endz

I washed my hair today & while it was wet I realized that I have tons of split ends. I've never really had a problem w/split ends before, even as a natural. Knots, yes. Split ends, no.

I started going to Natalie in January & I was getting my hair flat ironed every 2 weeks. She trimmed it for me the very 1st time I went to her. Well I went on vacation the last week in February & I wore my hair in it's natural state, which resulted in a lot of knots.

I didn't get a trim when I got the curl done so now I have knots & splits. I'm getting my hair straightened for a wedding on the 10th so I will definitely get a trim.

What I wanted to hear from my curl divas is whether or not split ends are an issue for you & how often you ladies trim.

Have a great Saturday!