Technically, -Paje- is the winner of the free products. However, she's experimenting with some other things & passed on the products. So they're still available. In the words of -Paje-...
1. How long have you had your curly perm?
I've had my curly perm since July 2008, so about 8 months.
2. What's your hair background - was this your first chemical experience?
Before getting my curly perm I was natural for about four years, and before that I had a relaxer maybe for about 8 years.
3. What type of curly perm do you have & what's your routine?
I have a Care Free Curl. I moisturize daily and wash once a week at the most. At times I wait two weeks because my hair gets really dry after I wash it.
4. What's your favorite style?
I don't like having my hair in my face so I'll wear a headband (I've learned not to wear them too tightly.) or clip up the front of my hair with something. I usually just wear my hair out.
5. Since ladies are always complaining about dryness & shedding, how do you deal with these issues?
To help combat the shedding I don't comb my hair everyday anymore, just on wash days. I fingercomb as needed. As for the dryness, I'm still trying to figure that out. I've recently started moisturizing my hair twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, with a mixture of water, infusium 23, and CFC Instant Moisturizer. My hair is fine when it's not completely dry, but once all of the product has dried up my hair feels dry and sometimes hard. So, I'm still searching to find something that will keep my hair soft and moisturized even when it's completly dry.
6. Have you noticed any difference in your growth/retention rate?
I can definently see my hair growing now. I got a cut in November of '08, and by February '09 my hair was back to its original length. I'm not sure if I'm actually retaining better than when I was natural, or if my growth is just more noticable now because my natural hair shrank a lot.
7. What advice would you give to potential/new curly perm wearers?
Make sure you find someone who knows what they are doing. It only takes one mistake to mess up your hair. Also, be patient while you find what works for your hair. I'm still experimenting.
8. Hair type and Length
I would guess that I'm somewhere in the 4 range and somewhere between shoulder length and armpit length.
The first pic was taken after I got my first curl.

The second pic is a comparison between the cut I got in November and the growth I had by February.

The third is a pic of how I usually wear my hair, with the top clipped away from my face.