In her words...

Picture 1
First day: it originally looked quite good, but I messed it up trying on clothes whilst shopping & adding more product.
First day: it originally looked quite good, but I messed it up trying on clothes whilst shopping & adding more product.

Picture 2
Morning after the retouch: I don’t like the way it looked here, I applied too much product. I had to wait for a couple of hours for it to dry to make it look better (I don’t have any pics of it looking better though, sorry).

Picture 3
Approximately a week after the retouch & it’s filling out quite nicely. I just applied some product & combed a little.
Approximately a week after the retouch & it’s filling out quite nicely. I just applied some product & combed a little.

Picture 4
Texture shot, also about a week after the retouch. I love this pic, my hairline looks great! I put too much moisturiser on the edges on the first day & they puffed up, especially the temples/sides. You can even see it in the first photo but it got worse each day. I now use Avlon’s Edge Definer to blend those parts in with the rest of my hair. BTW pls ignore the whitish tinge on my skin! It’s the SPF in my moisturiser; it takes a while to fade.