In the words of LOVES2LAUGH...
1. How long have you had your curly perm?
I’ve had my current curly perm since January 2009.
2. What's your hair background - was this your first chemical experience?
No, I’ve had braids & weaves as well as curly perms & relaxers. I came back to curly perms because I love curly hair more than any other type of hair plus my hair reached it's longest length with curly perms.
3. What type of curly perm do you have & what's your routine?
I have a CFC but I’m still experimenting with my routine & products - I have a sensitive scalp & dry hair. I currently wash once a week - I pre-poo with EVOO, then wash with sensitive shampoo, DC with EVOO added to sensitive conditioner, towel dry, apply my daily products & leave to dry. I never use heat & don’t intend to for a long time. My daily products are UBH Dew Spray Moisturiser, UBH Crème Lotion, & Designer Touch No Drip Curl Activator. I also baggy overnight.
4. What's your favorite style?
Well, my hair is very short at the moment so I leave it in a curly afro. When it's shoulder length or longer I may try some straight styles like blowdrying it straight (not recommended you do this often). I've also heard that you can do the curly perm process without putting in rods if you want to keep the straight look until the next retouch.
However, curly styles are my favourite! I’m hoping my hair will be long enough to put up in a high curly ponytail/puff. Also, I’d like to do canerows in the front, sides & back with the curls left out on top in a puff. I also like short styles & curly bobs too... So this summer when my hair's a little longer I may try some scarves used as a head bands tied at the back with the ends left hanging down my back, 70s style. Also, when it's longer I’d like to leave it down with a side parting & have a flower at the side like the Hawaiian girls! I could go on & on!
5. Since ladies are always complaining about dryness & shedding, how do you deal with these issues?
To be honest I’ve had many problems with my hair but shedding is not one of them, in fact I currently lose very little hair. But then I only comb my hair with a large tooth comb once a week on wash days. I'm also gentle when handling my hair in general. The dryness I think is caused by porosity which I’m trying to combat. EVOO has been really helpful for dryness & UBH Dew (or any high water content moisturiser) is good for my hair. Plus I have/will be trying protein, ACV Rinses & Roux Porosity Control to combat the porosity.
6. Have you noticed any difference in your growth/retention rate?
Well, my hair seems to be growing more slowly! However, my retention rate seems to be good. With weaves & especially braids when I took them out I would lose chunks of ends when I combed. Also, I lost a lot of ends with my curly perm in 2007 (½ inch or so) but my growth was much faster, you could see the hair was growing.
7. What advice would you give to potential/new curly perm wearers?
Loads! Try & research as much as you can on perms before you take the plunge. Look around for good hairdressers, if it’s not possible to go in for a consultation beforehand at least try to have a 'mini-consultation' on the phone. Try & make sure your hair is in good condition before you perm. Be aware that people have different results; your own result will be based on your hair type, the length & condition of your hair, the size of the rods & the after care/products you use.
8. Hair type and Length.
Natural hair type 4 a or b I think; length is 3½ plus inches
Picture taken in the week after the 1st perm. I had many issues – the perm didn’t take well, the stylist combed out my hair with a small tooth comb plus the curls were too small & frizzy. I don’t have any earlier photos as I was too depressed to take any! By the time this was taken my hair had settled down .

1st perm again. Depending on how curly my hair is it shrinks by at least 50%. Definitely something to keep in mind if you’re interested in perming but your hair isn’t that long.

1st retouch, same evening. I had good curl definition & my hair looked shorter … but 6 hours later, hair has dried out & the ends have begun to straighten & look wispy (I have problems with porosity). If I don’t mosturise it will look weird & bushy.

1st retouch, same night moisturised.

Please excuse my attire! About 2 weeks & 2 washes after the retouch, my hair looks a little fuller. It’s too short to style, I just apply my products, shape it a little & leave it an afro.