What type of curly perm do you have?

My Tribute to the King of the Curl

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hi ladies. I know you're wondering how I can celebrate my 1 month anniversary & not post any pics. Well, of course I planned to do so. However, I had to cancel my hair appointment on yesterday due to sitter issues. I was due for a protein treatment & trim.

Well I washed my hair this morning, moisturized & pulled it back into a pony tail. If you need a visual it looks just like my hair did in my Protective Style post, only without the part in the middle.

I did want to do a post to reflect on this last month. I definitely feel like I'm still in the learning phase. I haven't really learned what my hair likes/dislikes. So far I'm still washing once a week & sometimes doing water only rinses during the week. Lately I've been baggying overnight for additional moisture. In the mornings I usually apply a dab of the DE moisture lotion & a few squirts of the DE moisture spray. Sometimes I just spray with water, scrunch & I'm out the door.

If I can help it, I will not be straightening my hair at all before I touch up in September. My goal is to stretch for 6 months. However, I'm going out of town for Labor Day & I haven't decided if I want my curl to be fresh or not. Only time will tell. If I like it better the older it gets, then I'll wait until after my trip to touch up. If not, I'll only wait 5 months & touch up mid August.

My hair growth definitely seems to have slowed. I usually get 1/2 - 3/4 inch per month. It seems like I've only gotten about 1/4 inch since I got my curly perm. Of course I'm down about that, especially considering I need at least a 1/4 inch trim.

Anyhoo...I'm really enjoying this blog. I just wish y'all would talk to me more - even if it's not about curly perms. I'm constantly checking for comments, just so I can interact with my readers. (:-)

Since I'm sooo new to this thing called blogging, I'm open to any suggestions that you may have.

I rescheduled my hair appointment for Thursday so I'll be sure to take some pics & post them.