Have you ever heard of the curl cloth?(See below) Well Curls By Us came up with this cloth that's supposed to help with curl definition. It's somewhat hard for me to review because maybe it isn't reviving my curls simply because I don't have any. However, I will say that it is a good towel to use to towel dry your hair without frizz.

I ordered two so I have an extra that I would like to share with you all. For all ladies that leave comments to tell me the name & contact info of their curly perm stylist, I will enter you into the drawing. On next Friday, I'll pick one winner from all of the ladies that leave comments.
Also, I will be taking the information that you all give me & starting a post/curly perm stylist directory that I will update as I receive new information.
Good luck & I hope you all have a GREAT weekend. Take care...